

As you respond to God’s call to vocational ministry, a master of divinity (MDiv) is the foundation you need to seek ordination to Christian service. While historically the degree is 焦点ed on training individuals for congregational ministry, North Park’s MDiv is also excellent preparation for leadership in specialized ministries, including parachurch and nonprofit organizations. The flexibility within the degree, the 神学院’s centrality in the 福音圣约教会 community, and the academic and community resources at North Park allow you to explore topics unique to your current and future ministries while you develop the theological and formational foundation you need for your vocational life.


At North Park Theological 神学院, our community extends beyond the classroom to support you and provide formational learning opportunities on campus and across 芝加哥. 我们的校内住宿选择, 社区活动, and worship services will help you connect with your faculty, 同行, 和邻居.



领域的教育 complements your academic work at North Park Theological 神学院. Eleven credits earned from classes and internship will give further context to your studies, help you learn to navigate interpersonal relationships from a pastoral perspective, and give you insights into ministry organization.



From the moment you enter 神学院, you will be immersed in a community that places vocational development front and center alongside academic preparation. Identity and spiritual formation coursework, 职业测试, and supervised practical experience are all crucial elements of your development as a minister.


Dr. 詹姆斯·布鲁克纳

Dr. 詹姆斯·布鲁克纳’s Old Testament classes are diverse in methodology, 焦点, 和意图, seeking to form whole people for healthy ministries. “Training pastors in reading the Bible as God’s word is the most challenging and rewarding work that I know,他说.

更多关于博士. 布鲁克纳



  • Local churches in diverse pastoral roles
  • 宗派的领导
  • 牧师和护理部
  • 校园团契
  • Nonprofit and para-church organizations
  • 教师 at various seminaries and universities
  • Covenant churches and communities around the world

Credentialing in the Covenant Church

Ordination in the ECC is a multi-step process, and requires advanced theological training. Our master of divinity covers all the educational requirements for Ordination to Word and Sacrament. 作为唯一的ECC神学院, North Park is uniquely equipped to walk alongside you through your degree and into ministry and credentialing, starting with our Call to Ministry experience specifically for individuals wanting to serve in Covenant churches.



An MDiv can be completed on campus in three years of full-time study and internship and as a distance student with five years of part-time study. Many of our students choose to complete the program over a longer period of time and through a combination of in-person, 在线, 以及密集的混合课程.



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